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Ukraine #1: F is for Famine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and associated sanctions are disrupting global food trade. Who bears the consequences and how serious will they be?

Miscellany: A bad night's sleep

The risk to life and limb from bushfire grows ever higher as our summers get hotter due to global heating. Plan ahead to ensure you and the people you love stay out of harm's way.

Truthenomics #1: No plan D

The World economy is at a dangerous cross-roads. Damned by crashing asset bubbles if interest rates rise, damned by inflation and political instability if interest rates stay low. Can our economic and political masters navigate out of this mess AND save the planet?

Less # 3: Cows, cockroaches and us

It’s in our DNA to modify our environment and use tools to extract the choicest foods from it as easily as possible. Extinction from both suppression of unwanted and overexploitation of wanted species is what we do. How can we work together to a halt to Earth’s sixth great extinction event?

Peak Everything #4: Food mining

Peak Everything #4: Food mining

Industrial agriculture requires the mining, manufacture and distribution of 200 million tons of fertiliser annually. Without it, most of us would starve. Every step of world fertiliser supply depends on fossil fuels. How do we feed 8 billion people as fossil fuel supplies dry up?